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Johnson County Arrest Records

Johnson County arrests become imminent when a magistrate issues an arrest warrant. Additionally, law enforcement officers may make arrests without a warrant if they have probable cause to believe that suspects have committed an offense.

Following their arrest and booking, Johnson County inmates are typically held at the jailhouse, overseen by the Johnson County Sheriff’s Office. This facility detains all offenders, including those arrested by other agencies.

Arrest records generated and maintained by the Johnson County Sheriff’s Office and other police departments are closely related to court proceedings. They are part of the broader Johnson County Court Records. Similarly, the Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation DCI maintains criminal records based on arrest data submitted by Iowa Criminal Justice Agencies, disposition details from the Iowa Judicial Branch, and detention information from the Iowa Department of Corrections.

Are Arrest Records Public in Johnson County?

Yes. To further transparent and accountable government operations, Chapter 22 of the Iowa Open Records Law—also known as sunshine laws—grants the public the right to examine, copy, and disseminate public records, which state laws do not exempt from public disclosure. These documents include arrest records generated and maintained by the Johnson County Sheriff’s Office and other police departments with authority in the county.

Nonetheless, the state’s Open Records Law and some other statutes restrict the general public from accessing the following arrest records:

  • Driver's license
  • Social Security number
  • Important intelligence data for successful law enforcement or privacy protection.
  • Law enforcement documents needed for criminal justice or privacy.
  • Records of undercover criminal investigations.
  • Active law enforcement inquiry.
  • Biometric identifiers include fingerprints, facial recognition, and DNA.
  • Financial information, including bank account, credit and debit card numbers
  • Records identifying a crime victim or witness.
  • Records related to juvenile offenses
  • Personnel records for law enforcement officers and their close family members
  • Records restricted from public publication by a court order or statute.

What Do Public Arrest Records Contain?

Iowa Sunshine Laws permits the public disclosure of arrest records such as:

  1. Arrest Details: Date, time, and location of arrest
  2. Time of Arrest
  3. Location
  4. Facts and Circumstances of a Crime
  5. Charges
  6. Arresting Agency

Johnson County Crime Rate

The 2022 National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) statistics put the total number of violent crimes reported by the Johnson County Sheriff’s Office at 64 incidents, representing an 8.57% decrease from 2021 figures (70 incidents). Further investigation showed that aggravated assault was the most prevalent violent crime, with 57.81% (37 incidents) of all violent crimes. Rape constituted 35.94% (23 incidents) and robberies 6.25% (4 incidents). There were no reported homicides in the county in 2022.

An examination of total property crimes in the county revealed a decline of 14.23% between 2021 (239 incidents) and 2022 (205 incidents). A closer look at the figures indicated that larceny-theft was the most common type of property crime, with 61.95% (127 incidents). Burglaries, arson, and motor vehicle thefts accounted for 24.39% (50 incidents), 9.76% (20 incidents), and 3.90% (8 incidents), respectively.

Johnson County Arrest Statistics

According to NIBRS figures, the Johnson County Sheriff’s Office made 481 arrests in 2022. The most common offense was driving under the influence, accounting for 46.19% (222) of total arrests. Next was drug abuse violations, with 12.27% (59), and all other offenses aside from traffic violations, with 11.23% (54). Other significant arrest types were simple assault, aggravated assault, and burglary, with 9.15% (44), 6.03% (29), and 2.70% (18), respectively.

Find Johnson County Arrest Records

Requesters seeking Johnson County arrest records can use the Iowa Department of Corrections's Offender Search tool, containing information on detained or sentenced inmates in the state. After accessing the search tool, users can browse using the following search criteria:

  • Name: Offender's first name, middle name (if known), and last name.
  • Birthdate: A date range (after and before dates) for the offender's birthdate.
  • Offender Number
  • Sex
  • Location
  • Offense: Search by offense type.
  • Offender's County of Commitment

The search tool will return details about the offender, including name, Offender number, sex, birth date, location, offense, Tentative Discharge Date (TDD), and Supervision Discharge Date (SDD). In addition, the tool provides information on specific charges concerning the offender.

Even though the information on the database is updated weekly, requesters of Iowa inmates’ arrest records can still contact the Iowa DOC at:

Iowa Department of Corrections Central Office
510 E 12th St
Des Moines, IA 50319
(515) 725-5701

Free Arrest Record Search in Johnson County

Requesters seeking a free record search in Johnson County should contact the Sheriff's Office. The Office oversees a jailhouse where all offenders, including those arrested by other agencies, are detained.

Interested persons may look up inmates via the Johnson County Jail Roster. The search tool allows users to conduct name searches and returns the following results:

  • Offender's name
  • Age
  • Photograph
  • Date of booking
  • Offense
  • Charges (previous and current)
  • Date of charges released
  • Bond amount
  • Bond type/sentenced

Interested requesters may also choose to inspect the roster for free in person at the jailhouse located at:

511 S Capitol St
Iowa City, IA 52240

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 2540
Iowa City, IA 52244
Phone: (319) 356-6020, ext. 5
Fax: (319) 339-6121

Get Johnson County Criminal Records

A criminal record details an individual's interactions with the criminal justice system. The file contains information about interactions with police and courts, such as arrests, incarcerations, and judgments.

The Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation (DCI) controls the state's criminal records. The DCI keeps records based on arrest data submitted by Iowa Criminal Justice Agencies, disposition details from the Iowa Judicial Branch, and detention information from the Iowa Department of Corrections.

Interested applicants can request a background check using a variety of methods:

  • Online: Requesters must fill out the DCI Record Check and DCI Billing forms online, including the necessary information and payment information.
  • Email, Fax, or US mail: Requesters can complete the relevant forms, save them to their computer, print them, and send them to DCI.
  • In Person: Applicants can submit their forms to the DCI at 215 East 7th Street in Des Moines, Iowa. Walk-in processing hours are Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
  • Immediate Results (In Person): Applicants can also request their own background check in person and obtain the results immediately. However, they must provide a state-issued photo ID.

Please note that processing standard requests takes 2 to 5 business days.

Johnson County Arrest Records Vs. Criminal Records

Arrest records contain information related to an individual's arrests. They include details such as the date of arrest, charges, and the law enforcement agency involved. In Johnson County, the Johnson County Sheriff's Office and other local police departments with authority in the county maintain arrest records.

Arrest records typically focus on specific arrest events and do not indicate the offender's guilt or conviction. In Johnson County, arrest records comprise booking details such as fingerprints and mugshots.

Conversely, criminal records provide a holistic view of a person's criminal history. They encompass all interactions with the criminal justice system, including arrests, charges, court proceedings, and convictions. The Iowa Department of Public Safety (DPS) maintains criminal records, specifically the Division of Criminal Investigation (DCI). These records provide a comprehensive overview of an individual's criminal activity, including court dispositions (guilty, not guilty, dismissed). Criminal records can affect employment, housing, and other aspects of life and are accessible through official channels like background checks.

How Long Do Arrests Stay on Your Record?

In Iowa, arrests will typically stay on a person’s record unless sealed or expunged. However, the ability to seal or expunge arrest records depends on the nature of the crime. While some offenses qualify to be expunged or sealed after a stipulated period, others are ineligible for such consideration, thus remaining on an individual’s record indefinitely.

Expunge Johnson County Arrest Records

In Iowa, expungement is the process of removing a person's criminal record from public view.

Iowa Code 901C.2 allows eligible individuals to apply for expungement provided they meet the following requirements:

  • They must have been acquitted, or the arrest charges against them dropped.
  • They have no convictions for arrests.
  • Applicant has paid all fees associated with the expungement of their misdemeanor convictions.
  • Applicants are eligible for arrest record expungement if they have been acquitted of charges for 180 days.
  • Applicants can file for the expungement of a qualifying misdemeanor conviction if it has been eight years from the conviction date.
  • Applicants may have alcohol consumption or intoxication in public places wiped two years after their conviction date if they have no previous convictions other than nonindictable traffic tickets.
  • Applicants may also expunge convictions for underage alcohol possession, public intoxication, and some prostitution cases.

The steps for expunging arrest records in Iowa are as follows:

  1. Obtain criminal records from the Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation.
  2. Complete the Application to Expunge Court Records form.
  3. Submit the form to the court that initiated the case.
  4. The court may schedule a hearing to determine eligibility.
  5. If accepted, the court seals or removes the arrest record from the public record.
  6. The petitioner is notified and may need to communicate the order with the appropriate agencies.

Applicants should be aware that Iowa Code Section 901C.3 only allows for one misdemeanor expungement in their lifetime.

Johnson County Arrest Warrants

Arrest warrants in Johnson County are legal orders issued by a court that authorize the taking into custody of a person accused of committing a specific public infraction.

When a magistrate receives a complaint alleging a specific offense within their jurisdiction and has reasonable cause to suspect that a designated person committed the offense, they issue an arrest warrant. The warrant directs any law enforcement officer in the state to arrest the suspect.

A Johnson County arrest warrant may include:

  • The defendant's name or the phrase "name unknown".
  • A brief account of the offense that justifies the warrant.
  • The date of issue.
  • The county or city in which the warrant is issued.
  • The magistrate's signature and position.

Johnson County Arrest Warrant Search

In Johnson County, arrest warrants are confidential until they have been served. Therefore, searchers of active warrants in the county may visit the Sheriff's Office to inquire if there is an active warrant against their person. However, the Office may arrest the inquirer immediately if it turns out they have an active arrest warrant on them. Therefore, the inquirer should consult an attorney or seek legal advice before making an in-person inquiry.

Requesters who wish to visit the Johnson County Sheriff's Office may do so at:

Johnson County Sheriff's Office
511 S. Capitol St.
Iowa City, IA 52244
Phone: (319) 356-6020

Requesters can also find arrest warrants that law enforcement agents have served on Iowa Courts Online. This applies to existing warrants issued for contempt or failure to appear in court, among other things.

Do Johnson County Arrest Warrants Expire?

No. Arrest warrants have no expiration date. Offenders would be more likely to try to avoid punishment if such were the case. The only way for an arrest warrant to expire is if the person wanted appears in court, dies, or the judge decides to cancel it.

  • Criminal Records
  • Arrests Records
  • Warrants
  • Driving Violations
  • Inmate Records
  • Felonies
  • Misdemeanors
  • Bankruptcies
  • Tax & Property Liens
  • Civil Judgements
  • Federal Dockets
  • Probate Records
  • Marriage Records
  • Divorce Records
  • Death Records
  • Property Records
  • Asset Records
  • Business Ownership
  • Professional Licenses
  • And More!